Local Alzheimer’s Chapter Aims to Bring Community Together Local Alzheimer’s Association Aims to Bring Community All Together.

Nearly 7 million people in America are living with Alzheimer’s. NCC’s Asha Breedlove spoke to one local group that is trying to shed light about this brain disease

Asha Breedlove, Reporter: The Alzheimer’s Association Central New York Chapter is a name that may not sound familiar to most, but this org hopes to get the community involved with their mission. Lori DiCaprio-Lee is the care services manager.

Lori DiCaprio-Lee, Interviewee: We have three main functions on the care and support team we do care consultations, we oversee support groups, and we plan and execute our early on-stage social engagement events and those are what we call our ALZtogether programs

Asha Breedlove, Reporter: ALZtogether is exactly what they plan to be with the community. The ALZtogether program aims to get the people affected by this disease out and not making it the focal point.

Lori DiCaprio-Lee, Interviewee: I just want people to know that this organization exists. We have people who call us and say I wish I had called you sooner. I wish I had known. So, anything that we do to raise awareness. That we are here.

Asha Breedlove, Reporter: The organization hopes to get more people talking about this disease.
Asha Breedlove N-C-C News


SYRACUSE, N.Y(NCC NEWS) -The Alzheimer’s Association Central New York Chapter is spreading the knowledge about this brain disease one community event at time. The chapter is hosting its “ALZtogether” social engagement program.

These programs are hosted to bring together the people with Alzheimer’s, but also the people that are affected by this disease as well. The organization calls these people “teams” because of the different dynamics that are established between each pair.

Care Services Manager, Lori DiCaprio-Lee expresses how these events bring together members of the Alzheimer’s community.

“The ALZtogether social program is an opportunity for those teams to get out of the house, get out of the routine and do something different, do something fun. While it is social support, its not a support group,” said DiCaprio- Lee.

The organization hopes to get more people talking about this disease.

For more information or how to get involved visit Alzheimer’s Association, Central New York Chapter.


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