Local Rose Garden Facing Loss of Tranquility Local Rose Garden Facing Loss of Tranquility

(Reporter: Andrew Watson) The E.M. Mills Rose Garden has supplied peace and tranquility to Syracuse for more than 100 years.
However, the proposed university dorm construction is threatening to deny residents of this calm.
Bill Chadwick has been visiting the garden for 40 years.

(Bill Chadwick) “There’s a variety of reasons why I come, today for a little bit of respite and enjoyment, and hoping that the second blooms were here.”

(Reporter: Andrew Watson) Sonia Kragh, of the Syracuse Rose Society dislikes the plan.
In a letter to the city, Kragh says that the 24-month construction project would be devastating; keeping visitors and volunteers away from the garden.
So far, online public opinions have supported Kragh’s mission to save the serenity of the rose garden.
The process for approval is set to unfold in the next few months.
Andrew Watson, NCC News

The E.M Mills Rose Garden in Syracuse may be facing a loss in tranquility.

The garden has stood for more than 100 years and acts as a space of peace and calmness.

However, with Syracuse University’s proposed new dorm construction on Ostrom Avenue, a shadow could be cast across parts of the rose garden.

Bill Chadwick has been visiting the garden for over 40 years for many reasons.

He outlined his objective for the visit on Monday morning.

“There’s a variety of reasons why I come, today for a little bit of respite and enjoyment, and hoping that the second blooms were here.”

Chadwick is one of many visitors to the park that enjoy the calm.

But this peacefulness may be interrupted soon, as the dorm construction will bring 24 months of construction to the area.

The chair of the Mills Garden Committee, Sonia Kragh outlined her displeasure with the project in a letter to the Syracuse City Planning Commission.

She believes that the two years of construction will be a deter visitors and volunteers from coming to the garden all together.

According to this letter, the construction will occur between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. which will cause disruption to the peace of the garden.

The serenity of the rose garden will be decided when the dorm project faces approval in the coming months.


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