Dana: The CNY Diaper Bank distributes 70 thousand diapers a month to famalies in need. The diaper bank partners with local food pantries and childcare centers. Found and president, Michela Hugo says she knew diapers were a need for families in the area.
Michela: The statistics are awful in Syracuse. One out of every two children under the age of five lives in poverty, and one in four live in extreme poverty. Families struggle to buy food, but we don’t always think about the fact that diapers are something that’s not covered.
Dana: Wic and food stamps can’t be used for diapers. According to Hugo not having diapers can lead to stress on the mother.
Michela: Moms are actually more likely to experience depression when they face diaper needs. They just feel inadequate and it effects there bonding with the babies.
Dana: By the end of the summer the diaper bank will offer reusable cloth diapers to help families save money. Dana Casullo, NCC News.
By Dana Casullo SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) – The Central New York Diaper Bank provides families in need with free diapers.
Each family can receive up to 50 diapers a month. Founder and president Michela Hugo says the need for diapers is often overlooked consequence of poverty.
“The statistics are awful in Syracuse,” Hugo says. “One out of every two children under the age of five lives in poverty, and one in four live in extreme poverty. Families struggle to buy food, but we don’t always think about the fact that diapers are something that’s not covered.”
According to Hugo the poorest families spend more on diapers because they can’t afford to buy larger boxes.
At the end of the summer the diaper bank will be giving reusable cloth diapers that families can wash at home, allowing them to buy less disposable ones.