An incident at a Syracuse University dorm is causing unrest within student life and in the administration. The story is still developing but NCC News’ sabrina Maggiore is live outside of Day hall with the latest..
SM: Thanks guys, a series of new developments regarding the incident that happened sometime last week either Wednesday Night or Thursday morning in Day hall being me… Today, Chancellor Kent Syverun responded to the incident. In an email to the student body he expressed discontent at the lack of swift and broad communication following the incident. While vice president of student experience Robert Hradsky issued an official university response yesterday, students have criticized the administration’s delayed response…
The incident occurred and racial slurs were found on the fourth and sixth floors of day hall.. the n word was found on at least one bathroom mirror, a light, and a garbage can… a slur against asian students was also found on the fourth floor of the building… according to Day Hall residents, at least two floor meetings have happened since wednesday. A meeting was held Thursday to discuss, and a second meeting with DPS Chief Bobby Maldonado, Chief Diversity Officer Keith Alford, and dean of students Marianne Thomson occurred on Sunday… Yesterday, the student organization JUMP held a general body meeting to discuss the incident and the university response. just before that meeting, governor cuomo ordered state police hate crimes task force to investigat the messages found. Take a listen to what he had to say…
Governor Cuomo: syracuse university, take it seriously. I know the state police will… and it’s not just a comment in syracuse, anywhere, anytime anyone is discriminated with, anywhere hate rears its ugly head, we’re going to stand up and we’re going to condemn it.”
A Resident Hall Association forum will be held at 8pm in Lyman hall. Per the chancellor’s email, the chancellors team will be their to continue discussing the incident.