SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC NEWS) – Local organization, Sleep in Heavenly Peace delivers beds for kids in need and reached a milestone over the weekend. The Syracuse, N.Y. Chapter of Sleep in Heavenly Peace delivered its four thousandth bed on Saturday. David Hoalcraft is a manager of the chapter in Syracuse who said his work comes from the heart.
“We do it for the children, right. These are kids that don’t have beds. These are kids that think it’s somewhat normal to sleep on the floor,” said Hoalcraft.
Sleep in Heavnely Peace is entirely volunter based with their motto saying, “No kid sleeps on the floor in our town.”
Hoalcraft hopes that he can make a long term difference on these children’s lives.
“But a fact that I believe, out of 4000 beds that we’ve delivered, there are a number of children that we probably have change their perspective on what their life can be just by giving them a bed,” Hoalcraft said.
Those who want to continue to support their mission can volunteer to build and deliver beds or make a donation at shpbeds.org.