A Healing Performance brings joy at Upstate Cancer Center A Healing Performance brings joy to Upstate Cancer Center

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) — Music is powerful and can be a healer of a lot of things. On Tuesday morning, patients at Upstate Cancer Center were able to experience music live in the atrium.

The Cadleys are no strangers to Central New York, as they’ve been performing at the Cancer Center for years.

“You can see that they’re listening and that it seems to be making an impression and that’s what we’re all hear for,” singer and guitarist John Cadley said. “This is the way we can help people.”

The Cadleys have been performing together for the past 15 years. This is there 6th year performing at the Cancer Center.

“It’s a special experience for us because we know we’re touching people in a different way,” singer Catherine Cadley continued.  Catherine and John have been married for many years.

The Cadleys have made a lasting impression in Central New York, and have been inducted into the Syracuse Area Music Awards Hall of Fame.

Event organizer, Chris Benton said that while it is great for the patients to hear music, the staff really love it as well.

“(The) staff here are very busy and run from patient to patient, but if they get a chance to even for a few moments hear the live music, it can really give them a sense of peace,” Benton said.

Benton went on to say that many people perform in the atrium of the Cancer Center, young students and solo singers included.

This performances series is funded by the Upstate Foundation.

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