A Man With Two Candidate Signs and His Hope of More Voters A Man Two With Signs With the Hope to Influence Others

Geraldo Reid: Meet Rob Santucci, or what I would call him, the man with the signs. As voters pull into the north Syracuse community Center to cast their ballot, they drove past this man with his signs. He says his appearance today is a call to action.

Rob Santucci: It’s important that people participate in democracy any way that they can, and this is one of my contributions today.

Geraldo Reid: When it comes to voting, his first experience came as a result of some positive influence.

Rob Santucci: I had a roommate who was vey much involved in politics, and he made sure every year that we got out and we voted, and that carried through my entire life and I have always voted and will always continue to vote.

Geraldo Reid: And speaking with Santucci, he mentions the importance of being an example for his children and grandchildren in coming out to vote.

Geraldo Reid: His message for non-voters?

Rob Santucci: Decisions are made everyday that affect you, whether or not you want to believe that and you have to get involved in the process. Even if it’s as simple as casting a ballot, you have to.

Geraldo Reid: The necessity of voting is exemplified by Santucci, as he hope to be to people what his roommate was to him, with a bit of convincing. He also stressed that regardless of who one votes for, the act of voting alone is beneficial to who one believe is fit to take charge. Reporting for N-C-C News, I’m Geraldo Reid.

Syracuse, N.Y. (NCC News) – As voters arrived at the North Syracuse Community Center to cast their ballots, they all would have driven past one man who hoped to sway a few minds. In his possession were two signs that read names of the candidates he hope are elected when the results are final. However, behind his symbolic signs of persuasion is a message he wishes to pass on to the public. 

Rob Santucci, Cicero Town Democratic Chair wants to be an example and a motivation for people to continue or begin voting. He believes that the process of voting and being a part of the decision-making process for leadership is important to the overall structure of an area. He says that his contribution is a representation of democracy.

“It’s important that people participate in democracy any way that they can, and this is one of my contributions today, said Santucci.

Though in the grand scheme of things he would hope that people read his signs and adhere to his wishes, the bigger picture is the turnout of voters. Also, he remembers the way he got into voting, and the long-lasting effect it left on him. 

“I had a roommate who was very much involved in politics, and he made sure every year that we got out and we voted, and that carried through my entire life and I have always voted and will always continue to vote,” Santucci said.

The results of the ballots may go in one’s favor, but it may result in unhappiness as well, and Santucci makes that clear. 

“Decisions are made every day that affect you, whether or not you want to believe that and you have to get involved in the process. Even if it’s as simple as casting a ballot, you have to,” he said. 

The result of the elections will be announced later tonight.


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