Click the play button to find out more about the ride and issues involving children’s safety.
SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC NEWS)— As the 25th anniversary of the disappearance of Sarah Anne Wood approaches, the issue of child safety is front and center in the community. Sarah was 12 years old when she was abducted in Upstate New York. Jim Sleeper, local resident, is part of the bicycle ride for Missing children, an organization that raises money and awareness for missing and exploited children in Central New York.
“We hope to spread message of honoring any and all who have been abused and abducted,” Sleeper said.
Sleeper said that his organization spreads awareness but doesn’t give the message about how to protect missing and exploited kids.
“We bring in professional educators that’s what the money we raise goes for, ” Sleeper said.
Involving school children is critical to the ride’s mission.
“The most important step as we go into the schools is educate children how to be safe,” Sleeper said.
Amanda Albert, SU student, recalled her middle school experience that changed her outlook on safety.
“I remember in elementary school and middle school teachers and police officers would warn us about safety and what measures and precautions to take when we are not with our parents and ever since then it made me not want to go anywhere without a buddy,”Albert said.
As of today there are 38 missing children in upstate New York. Whether they are runaways, or victims of abduction, these children are most likely suffering abuse and exploitation.
The bicycle ride for missing children provides awareness and hope for all families around Central New York.
“Our motto is making the world safer one child at a time,” Sleeper said.