Adoption Returns And Heat Waves Concern Central New York Animal Shelters CNY SPCA have found adoption returns and summer heat to be areas of concern

Mark Budd: Buying a puppy is easy, but raising one takes time and effort.

Dee Schaefer from C-N-Y S-P-C-A has noticed some strays are not getting picked up by their owners.

Those dogs tend to be between the age of one and a half and two years old.

Dee Schaefer: ” We’ve had a lot of strays come in recently, but I don’t think it’s the heat. I think it’s people are getting tired of their pandemic puppies and they’re getting loose and they’re not looking
for them.”

Budd: Temperatures have reached mid-90’s across Central New York this summer, causing a heat advisory.

Schaefer: ” We’ve had a lot of strays come in recently, but I don’t think it’s the heat. I think it’s people
are getting tired of their pandemic puppies and they’re getting loose and they’re not looking
for them.”

Budd: Schaefer urges owners to adopt dogs for the long run and keep them sheltered from the intense heat. Mark Budd, N-C-C News.

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News)  — At the heart of the pandemic 18 months ago, a common theme for Central New Yorkers was adopting a dog .The CNY SPCA noticed some adopted dogs from this time period are being returned to the shelter. One potential reason for this could be the record-breaking heat that has occurred in Central New York this summer.

CNY SPCA workers believe the ages of the dogs being returned is about 18 months, which lines up to the start of the pandemic. One indication is these owners no longer want or have time to take care of these dogs.

“We’ve had a lot of strays come in recently,” said Humane Educator Dee Schaefer.” I don’t think it’s the heat. I think people are getting tired of their pandemic puppies and they’re getting loose and they’re not looking for them .”

Schaefer said since Covid-19 restrictions eased, some dog owners find themselves a lot busier than before, leaving little time to tend to an animal.

As the shelter struggles with more strays, the number of adoptions is dropping.

“More people are staying inside,” said Schaefer. ” We’re not getting as many adopters coming through right now. And I think it’s just because it’s hot, they’re staying inside.”

For more information on the shelter visit ​​

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