Art Activism on Display in Syracuse Art Activism on Display in Syracuse

Syracuse, NY (NCC News)-ArtRage Gallery in downtown Syracuse is displaying the Deadlocked and Loaded: Disarming America art exhibition starting this week.

The showcase contains work from over thirty six different female artists, with all of them focused on topics including the culture of violence in America, racism, social injustice, and more.

Art exhibition curator Karen Gutfreund says that the art pieces on display evoke a massive emotional reaction that everyone should come to see.

“It’s a gut-punch,” Gutfreund said. “These pieces showcase the fragility of life and how we need to do everything to cherish life.”

Activism and art have gone hand in hand for centuries. In the wake of George Floyd’s death the industry “boomed”. Art could be seen across the thousands of protests, from signs to “BLACK LIVES MATTER” being painted across a street in Washington DC.

The different art forms on display at the gallery range from a hanging umbrella with bullets dangling off of it to blanket paintings to tiny white sneakers hanging.

“This is a cause I have cared about for as long as I can remember,” Gutfreund continued. “Finally being able to curate these women’s work inspires me to want to do more than I have.”

Deadlocked and Loaded: Disarming America is open at ArtRage Gallery, the Community Folk Arts Center, and the window gallery at the Point of Contact at Syracuse University through April 18th.

For tickets you can go to and book a tour date.


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