Blossoming Family Traditions at Tim’s Pumpkin Patch Blossoming Family Traditions at Tim's Pumpkin Patch

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) — In a heartwarming celebration of family bonds and tradition, Brett Wakowski and his 7-year-old daughter, Arielle, from Marietta, New York, continued their annual family tradition of visiting Tim’s Pumpkin Patch in Marietta, New York. For Wakowski, this tradition is more than just seasonal fun; it’s a testament to the power of family bonds and the creation of long-lasting memories.

This family tradition is at the heart of Wakowski’s role as a dedicated father, emphasizing the significance of the family tradition he and his daughter share. He believes that shared experiences and activities are what create meaningful memories.

“Family tradition: every year we come here to pick pumpkins and see the animals peacock, goats.”

For Wakowski, being a father is a role he holds close to his heart. It’s about instilling values, creating memorable moments, and, most importantly, strengthening the bond with his daughter. Their yearly visit to Tim’s Pumpkin Patch is a tradition passed down through generations.

Tim’s Pumpkin Patch is different from other pumpkin patches for the Wakowski family because it has been an environment that serves as a reminder of the importance of love, family and the significance of having a father in a child’s life.Wakowski said seeing other family’s bond at Tim’s Pumpkin Patch further shows the value of these traditions.

“I think it’s great to see parents’ bond with their children and enjoy nice weather outside while we have it.” said Wakowski.

As the pumpkins are picked, sugar donuts are eaten, and the last sips of apple cider are swallowed. It was a good day. And although the pumpkins will eventually wilt and be tossed in the trash, Brett and Arielle have another treasured memory of quality time spent together—the most precious gift of all.

Reporter Jalyss Lyann:
Tim’s Pumpkin Patch has been a destination for families for years. Brett Wakowski says it’s more than just a place to pick pumpkins.

Brett Wakowski
“Family tradition: every year we come here pick pumpkins and see the animals peacock, goats.”

Reporter Jalyss Lyann:
Wakowksi says that spending quality time together and creating lasting memories is a chance to enjoy the outdoors, celebrate the season, and foster a sense of unity among families.

Brett Wakoski
“I think it’s great to see you know parents bond with their children and enjoy nice weather outside while we have it.”

Reporter Jalyss Lyann:
There are many activities at the patch that include picking your own pumpkins, eating apple blossoms and spending quality time together.

Reporter Jalyss Lyann:
“What a thrill to see families like the Wachowskis embracing the spirit of the season and making Tim’s pumpkin patch a place for more than picking pumpkins. He hopes that other families will be inspired to create their own special moments before Tim’s pumpkin patch leaves for the season.”

Jalyss Lyann N-C-C News

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