GROVETOWN, G.A. -As temperatures rise, the City of Grovetown is collecting fans to help “at risk” residents without air conditioning beat the heat.
Grovetown’s Public Information Officer, Ashley Campbell, said the city does have a high number of residents that fall under the “at risk” category.
“According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, they classify anyone who is 65 years or older, two or younger or have any underlying health issues, even mental illness that will put them in the at risk category,” Campbell said.
Campbell said the fans are to help the residents stay cool and comfortable.
“By starting this fan collection drive we can tackle both!” Campbell said. “Right now a lot of them are sheltering in-place because of COVID-19, and others are just homebound or can’t make it to a cooling center which Columbia County and the City of Grovetown usually would be able to provide. But with COVID, we’re just not able to do so right now.”
Campbell said anyone who wants a fan can contact the city at 1-833-GOGTOWN. She said donations can be dropped off Monday Through Friday at Grovetown City Hall from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. The fan drive will last through the summer.
Campbell said City Hall has already received and distributed fans.
“We just want to thank the community for coming together as it normally does,” Campbell said.
Campbell said the City of Grovetown wants to make sure people are safe and healthy .
“Any way we can do that we’re going to try to do that and this fan drive is just one of those,” Campbell said.