(Zach Richter): Most people think growth is a good thing, but sometimes, it can be painful… that’s the conflict people in clay are wrestling with now… they welcome a big investment in the community but worry about how it will change things…
(Chuck Schumer): “We got over 300 million dollars to go to this facility.”
(Richter): It took Clay more than 200 years to grow to the size it is today… 60,000 people…. Starting later this year computer chip company micron will begin construction for the first wave of workers that has the potential to bring almost 50,000 people to the town… Almost doubling the size…
(Michael Dopkowski): “I think it’s good for the community. Their gonna hire a lot of people. It’s a good thing for all the way around, I think.
(Melissa Galaltn): “No worries, I’m excited. Expansion!”
(Richter): But for some, their more worried about the painful part…
(Clay Resident’s Worrying About Micron): “It’s probably going to pollute a lot of the area. I worry about the environment. I worry about the water that Micron’s gonna need. Plus, housing, the housing too.”
(Richter): From all of those worries, the number 1 answer we got from residents is.
(Clay Resident’s Worrying About Traffic): “Traffic, Traffic is the biggest worry. The issue is probably Traffic. Traffic. I’m wondering what they’re going to do with the traffic. We don’t have the infrastructure with the highways to handle the traffic.”
(Richter): And as for traffic on Highway 31 some just can’t imagine it getting worse.
(Joanne Sweredoski): “It’s already terrible. Especially during the holidays or rush hour. It’s terrible. Terrible, terrible, terrible. But the problem is, when you bring trucks and their trying to get in and out that everyday people are using. It’s going to be a nightmare.”
(Richter): Chrissy Gebo showing us the survey the town of clay posted on their Facebook last December… the town preparing a study and area plan to prepare for future decisions for land use in the town of clay… the top of the survey saying quote “in order to ensure the plan reflects the desires and goals of clay residents, we are asking for your input…
(Chrissy Gebo): “And that was one of the questions. You know about the traffic situation currently and being able to provide enough road space, the traffic lights.”
ROUTE 31 ENTERS THE TOWN OF CLAY AFTER THE INTERSECTION With I-81… the road then follows next to future micron site, passing through the hamlet of clay and eventually leading to the I – 481 intersection and shopping centers…
(Richter): Route 31 behind here outside the Micron site, is just a two-lane road. But plans here call for the road to be expanded up to 5 lanes.
In an off-camera interview – Clay Town Supervisor Damian Ulatowski confirmed to NCC News those plans for route 31. However, he could not confirm any specific details of the plan. He says quote “When is it going to happen? Nobody knows yet…” “Everything is up in the air.” Back on March 19th the micron project faced its first public opposition. The U.S. Army Corps of engineers hosted a public hearing in clay where around 170 residents filled the room and spoke on their concerns for the project…
(Michelle Easley): “I’m going to need a helipad in my yard, just to travel in the traffic. Do you know on a good day you cannot get through Route 31; it backs up. So where am I gonna go, are you gonna build a helicopter for me too. All of us are going to be trapped and stuck in deadlock.
(Richter): Ulatowski’s answer to us was almost the same as the answers we got from officials at hearing… very few specifics and no promises…
(Steven Metivier): “All of those comments will be a part of what we need to look at and address.”
(Richter): Phase 1 of the micron project is expected to bring up to 9,000 jobs to clay and should be finished in the next few years… the 50,000 jobs number though is not expected until at least 2040… that means this isn’t all happening overnight… that’s 16 years for the town to adjust to its new reality… in clay – Zach Richter NCC News
CLAY, N.Y. (NCC News) – It took Clay more than 200 years to grow to the size it is today — 60,000 people. But that could all change soon. Computer chip company “Micron” has the potential to bring up to 50,000 people to the town of Clay. Construction on the billion-dollar Micron project in Clay could begin later this year.
“I think it’s good for the community. They’re gonna hire a lot of people. It’s a good thing for all the way around, I think,” said Clay Resident Michael Dopkowski.
However, most residents are worried about the town’s ability to handle such a massive project.
“I’m worried about the water that Micron’s going to need,” said one Clay resident.
Other residents tell us that they’re worried about where everyone will live when Micron comes to town as well as the pollution it will bring.
However, the number one worry that residents told us is the amount of traffic that Micron will bring to the town.
“It’s already terrible. Especially during the holidays or rush hour. It’s terrible. Terrible, terrible, terrible. But the problem is when you bring trucks and they’re trying to get in and out that everyday people are using. It’s going to be a nightmare,” said Clay resident Joanne Sweredoski.
Last December, the town of Clay posted a survey on their Facebook page to help build a study and area plan to prepare for future decisions for land use in Clay.
The top of the survey said, “In order to ensure the plan reflects the desires and goals of Clay residents, we are asking for your input. Your responses will help to shape the plan and future of our community.”
Clay resident Chrissy Gebo told NCC News that one of the questions on the survey was about “the traffic situation currently and being able to provide enough road space.”
The major road of concern with the Micron project is none other than Route 31. Route 31 enters the Town of Clay after the intersection with I-81. The road then follows next to the future Micron site, passing through the hamlet of Clay and eventually leading towards the intersection with the I-481 intersection and shopping centers.
In parts of Clay, Route 31 is only a two-lane road. That means one lane to go east and one to go west. However, bringing an additional 50,000 people to this town is going to make this road more of a nightmare for some.
Clay Town Supervisor Damian Ulatowski confirmed to NCC News plans for Route 31 to be expanded up to 5 lanes. However, when we asked him when this would happen, Ulatowski said, “Nobody knows yet. Everything is up in the air.”
Ulatowski could not confirm to us whether all of the future 5 lanes of Route 31 will be used for cars.
Back on March 19, the Micron project faced its first public opposition. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers hosted a public hearing in Clay where around 170 residents filled the room and spoke on their concerns for the project.
“I’m going to need a helipad in my yard just to travel in the traffic. Do you know on a good day you cannot get through Route 31; it backs up. So where am I gonna go, are you going to build a helicopter for me, too? All of us are going to be trapped and stuck in deadlock,” said Clay resident Michelle Easley.
Phase 1 of the Micron project is expected to bring up to 9,000 jobs to clay and should be finished in the next few years. However, the full build-out, which includes that 50,000 job number, is not expected until at least 2040.