{***Vanessa D’Angelo***}
Cross Creek Nursery has been struggling with maintaining its crops during these warmer than usual days, known as a progression of climate change. The 24-acre garden center has been growing all different kinds of crops from quality trees to shrubs, but the nursery is struggling with its flowers blooming too early.
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“This Spring so far, we haven’t had that much sun. February was very dark. SUSAN NICHOLS (FLORIST) said. March has been dark. I think I can still count the sunny days on two hands, which is not ideal.”
Susan has created a tactic where she times the crops based on how much time they need to in order to fully blossom and is planning on getting the flowers ready for Easter at a later time period, so they remain intact.
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“You know 35 or 30 degrees and now they are in the 40 degrees, so now they might start earlier in the spring, and have a little growth but then we get a hard frost and that ends up killing back those plants said TERRY FORAN (OWNER/PRESIDENT). ”
{***STANDUP***} D’Angelo/NCC News
“Besides me is the greenhouse for Cross Creek Nursery. They have been open for over 50 years, yet they still struggle with trying to make their flowers bloom for springtime. ”
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“With the fact that we have not had a lot of sun. I feel that my pansies are behind a little bit said Nichols. It is probably off by maybe 4-7 days as far as coming into a flower. There is not you can do to replace that, I can fertilize, but you get more growth, leafier growth.”
Climate change will continue to be a problem for Cross Creek Nursery, but each day they come up with more techniques on how each crop should be handled and cared for. In the meantime, Susan and Terry are going to take it day by day. N-C-C News, Vanessa D’Angelo