By Jonathon Hoppe SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) – Each year, the CNY chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association holds a walk to raise money to fight the disease. While raising money is the tangible way to fight the disease, Sunday’s event was about more than just dollar signs. The organization focuses on bringing the community together.
“Our walk was successful because we brought people together,” said Jared Paventi, the Chief Communications Officer at the Alzheimer’s Association of CNY. “We brought families who have been dealing with this disease, families who have lost people to this disease as well as the local health care communities and corporate communities together.”
Overall, there are 5.8 million people living with Alzheimer’s disease in the United States. To help support those suffering, more than 1,500 people in the Syracuse area attended the event. By the end of the day, more than $215,000 had been raised.
Those that missed the event and would like to help the cause can do so by donating their time. The Alzheimer’s Association is looking for volunteers.
“I always tell people that Alzheimer’s disease is not a three in the afternoon disease, it’s a three in the morning disease and we’re there for people when they’re in the most need,” said Paventi.
Those who wish to donate should visit their website to learn more.