WILL HENTSCHEL: Earlier this year, ski resorts across New York were forced to close their lifts amid the COVID pandemic. Now, a new ski season will be allowed to start with mask mandates, social distancing, and a reduction in capacity. Labrador Mountain and Song Mountain owner Peter Harris does not think these restrictions will hamper the industry.
PETER HARRIS: Golf courses which are basically an outdoor summer event, where skiing is an outdoor winter event, and the golf courses this summer have all had a pretty good summer .
HENTSCHEL: On Syracuse University campus, sophomore SU ski club member Jack Hassett is just looking forward to hitting the slopes again after a long offseason.
JACK HASSETT: This year especially just being inside like through all of quarantine and then the whole summer I was thinking ‘are mountains going to be open’ not really knowing what’s going to happen. Still coming close to the winter and really not knowing what’s going on.
HENTSCHEL: Governor Cuomo says that New York ski areas can reopen as early as November 6th. Reporting live, Will Hentschel, NCC News
Governor Cuomo announced on Oct. 18 that ski resorts will be able to reopen under new regulations as early as Nov. 6. These new regulations include a mask mandate when not eating or skiing, ski lifts limited to members of the same party and a 50% reduction in indoor capacity.
Despite the seemingly daunting restrictions, Labrador and Song Mountain Owner Peter Harris believes all CNY resorts will be able to survive the season
“Golf courses which are basically an outdoor summer event, where skiing is an outdoor winter event, and the golf courses this summer have all had a pretty good summer,” Harris said.
On the Syracuse campus, students like sophomore Jack Hassett just want to hit the slopes again after last season was cut short due to the pandemic.
“I will be one of the first people at the mountain when they open,” said Hasset, a member of the Syracuse Ski Club. “That’s for sure, I will not be hesitant at all.”
All that’s left is to wait for the snow before Harris, Hassett and many other CNY skiers can officially kick off the new season.