REPORTER: I’m Vanessa D’Angelo from N-C-C News here to discuss how Central New Yorkers are enjoying the 50+ degree weather for the next several days.
Residents of Syracuse are wondering if winter has come to an end, or if it is just a tease.
” Today the weather obviously was nice. Being from Upstate, New York obviously it’s always cold here, but I am prepared for colder months!”
REPORTER: People are up to Spring-like activities within these last few days of February. The unseasonably warm weather excites the residents of Central New York.
PERSON #2: ” I was actually walking my dog and he doesn’t like being outside in the cold, and I don’t like being outside in the cold. But being from Syracuse, the weather is always all over the place.”
REPORTER: Currently, Thornden Park is a hot spot for the Central New Yorkers. Questions are arising as Central New Yorkers wonder if Spring is on the way to Syracuse. In the meantime, joy is in the air for the upcoming warm days.
Residents of Syracuse are wondering if winter has come to an end, or if it is just a tease.
One park visitor admitted, “today the weather obviously was nice. Being from Upstate, New York obviously it’s always cold here, but I am prepared for colder months!”
People are up to Spring-like activities within these last few days of February. The unseasonably warm weather excites the residents of Central New York.
Another park visitor admitted, “I was actually walking my dog and he doesn’t like being outside in the cold, and I don’t like being outside in the cold. But being from Syracuse, the weather is always all over the place. ”
Currently, Thornden Park is a “hot spot” for the Central New Yorkers. Questions are arising as Central New Yorkers wonder if Spring is on the way to Syracuse. In the meantime, joy is in the air for the upcoming warm days.