Stress and anxiety are one of the mental health issues affecting college students.
The end of semester is approaching and the stress of finals can be a bit much. Students in Onondaga County are using a different approach to relax from their school work.
Steven Dimarzo is the Owner at Second Nature Mental Health Counseling in Syracuse, NY. Dimarzo said exercising properly in between doing school work can help boost energy and help you to stay motivated.
It’s important to take the time to reset your brain and go back in with a fresh mind. Exercising pumps blood to the brain, which should help you think more clearly.
Ways to reduce stress from school work:
- Time Management
- Preparation
Central Rock gym can be a safe haven for students to take your mind off of school work. © 2018 Alazia Williams - Take a break, try not to cram
- Don’t procrastinate, get it done
More and more students are being affected, According to, If you exercise regularly , it can reduce your stress and symptoms of mental health conditions like depression and anxiety, and help with recovery from mental health issues.
Central Rock Gym is located in Syracuse, New York and has the type of environment that is good for not only exercise.
Julianna Velenti, assistant manager of Central Rock said it’s a place that can your mind off of the outside world. She says its great place to relax, to de-stress to really challenge your mind and your body, physically so that you’re not thinking about finals or a test that you have coming up.
Central Rock Provides:
- Art facilities
- Climbing walls
- Fitness equipment
- Yoga classes
If you or someone you know is suffering from stress or anxiety, contact your local or school counselor.