Corcoran High School Hires New Soccer Coach Corcoran High School Hires New Soccer Coach

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) — The Corcoran High School boy’s soccer team began their first offseason conditioning this week with a new head coach.

Michael Hanley, former Corcoran junior varsity coach, was chosen to take over as varsity coach earlier this year. He has experience building programs.

“Last year, we built the JV team from scratch so we forfeited the first six games,” said Hanley. “[After that] things just progressively started to get better.”

Hanley is a graduate of West Genessee High School in Camillus and had a successful high school career. He hopes to one day bring that same success to Corcoran.

“Feeling successful is something that we really want these kids to feel,” said Hanley.

Also joining the staff is Corcoran English teacher, and former Baldwinsville soccer goalie, D.J. Moore. Both Moore and Hanley know how to win, and both believe Corcoran can start winning in the next few years.

For the time being, though, Hanley is focused on seeing progress in his players.

“We know what the challenge is gonna be, with a super, super hard schedule with the Fayettevilles and the Ciceros and the Baldwinsvilles and all of them,” said Hanley. “But we do want to close that gap.”

Another issue the Cougars face is fundraising. Hanley said the program cannot afford to buy certain luxuries that the teams in surrounding areas have, like warmup gear and winter undergarments.

Hanley plans to change that through a raffle fundraiser that he started on Wednesday. People purchase tickets for $20 in the hopes of winning a prize. The prizes include a portable grill and assorted spirits.

“And with that money, I want to, right away, get some apparel for the kids,” said Hanley. “Snacks for the games, we will have Gatorades so they can get their electrolytes in.”

But for now, the goal for the team remains the same: Prepare for the upcoming season. Hanley knows exactly how the Cougars will do that.

“We’re gonna do a lot of legs and core, ’cause that’s what soccer is; legs, core,” said Hanley. “Just doing those things every day until hopefully they turn into something where the kids are stronger and they’re ready and more confident when they do play in that first game.”

Anyone who would like to participate in the Corcoran soccer fundraiser, contact Michael Hanley through Corcoran High School.

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