Cubing with Cody: A Journey of Twist and Turns Cubing with Cody: A Journey of Twist and Turns

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) — Cody Stokes, a 23-year-old quiet and witty  Californian, developed a fascination with the Rubik’s Cube when he received one as a gift from his close friend, Yoppi.

It was, of course, just a toy, but he soon became obsessed with solving it. Hours turned into days and days into weeks as Stokes immersed himself in the world of cubing, learning algorithms, and perfecting his skills.

Stokes said he didn’t know that his friend’s love for puzzles would take him on an incredible journey.

“I’ve always kind of liked puzzles and I asked him, you know how hard it would be for me to learn, and he told me it might take a while, but if you stick with it, you can learn,” Stokes said.

As Stokes dedication grew, he realized he wasn’t content with just solving the cube; he wanted to start helping others learn to solve it as well. He figured that by sharing his hobby of solving Rubik’s Cubes with people in his community, along with tips, techniques, and strategies, it would create a space for those who love solving puzzles.

Stokes added that solving Rubik’s cubes help stimulate the brain.

“It’s a challenge for your brain, and honestly, it’s one of the few things that I can do that impresses me. It’s pretty remarkable in my own mind how I can recognize a pattern, and my brain can instantly pull out the muscle memory of the correct algorithm,” Stokes said.

However, his journey was more than just solving a puzzle. Through the Rubik’s Cube, he learned patience, determination, and the power of community. He began using what was once a hobby, and now a skill, for educational purposes, teaching students problem-solving skills in his community.

Stokes, the quiet and witty boy from California, found his life’s confidence and purpose in the Rubik’s Cube his friend Yoppi gave him. His life journey of twists and turns serves as an inspiration to us, showing that sometimes the most complex things can lead us to beautiful destinations.

A quiet boy from California, Cody Stokes, who enjoys peace and puzzles, didn’t know how much a Rubik’s Cube would lead him on a path to a long-time friendship and new skill. Cody says he stayed curious and dedicated to learning more about Rubik’s Cubes and the various different methods for solving one.

I have a friend named Yoppi who sat next to me. He had been solving Rubik’s Cubes for a longtime, years. I don’t really know how he got into it, but I saw it. I’ve always kind of liked puzzles, and I asked him, ‘You know, how hard would it be for me to learn?’ He told me it might take a while, but if you stick with it, you can learn.

Cody dedicated his free time to figuring out a method that provides consistency. He knew that algorithms must to be learned to solve the cube, which is what he believes helped him have fun and build confidence in his intelligence.

You know, it’s not really anything serious; it’s just kind of something fun to do. It’s a challenge for your brain, and honestly, it’s one of the few things that I can do that impresses me. It’s pretty remarkable in my own mind how I can recognize a pattern, and my brain can instantly pull out the muscle memory of the correct algorithm.

Cody believes curiosity leads people down new paths.

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