SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) —Downtown’s Syracuse farmer market is back for its 48th season and the good news is, you will be able to smell the roses without your mask.
Tuesday morning, vendors and Syracuse residents lined the streets preparing for opening day. Some people said that this is their first time at the farmers market in two years and others are returning after working at the farmers market throughout the pandemic
The farmers market in Clinton Square did provide fresh goodies in the summer of 2020, but it wasn’t the same. The market had to follow all pandemic protocols, which meant everyone attendee had to wear a mask and 6 feet apart. Due to the Covid-19 regulations they had to cut down on their list of vendors, which is usually more than 50-plus farmers and sellers.
Market Manager Chuck McFadden said that they are following the New York state guidelines allowing those who are vaccinated to attend the farmers market without a mask and suggesting those who have been vaccinated to wear a mask.
McFadden says this gives him a sigh of relief to be able to actually see the faces of those around him at the market.
“People need to know that were getting back to normal as fast as we can and as soon as we can,” said McFadden.
And while some residents like Mary Burgess are excited that they will be able to reconnect with vendors and people around the Syracuse community at the market mask-less.
“We were a little bit nervous because you are depending on people being honest and that is always a challenge, but we need to move on. And so we decided to have a little faith in humanity today and we are here mask-less,” said Burgess.
But others like Nancy Mccoy are against the new protocols. She believes that people will not be honest about whether or not they are vaccinated.
“People are not honest, and it is still not safe, so as far as I am concerned, I will be wearing my mask.”
The Downtown’s Syracuse Farmers Market will be every Tuesday rain or shine from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. until October 12.