SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) — The New York State Fair is just over a week away. Centro is facing a bus driver shortage causing them to have fewer park-and-ride lots for the fair.
Typically Centro operates between 12 and 15 park-and-ride locations. This year, only three lots will be used due to the shortage of drivers. Centro’s Vice President Communications Stephen Koegel said they are down about 30 drivers.
“On top of the regular services that we provide every day, we are also providing these additional services,” Koegel said. “We don’t have the people this year to put behind the wheel to get people from the New York State Fair.”
The New York State Fair’s Public Relations Officer, Dave Bullard, said fewer Centro lots could cause backups on I-690.
“That’s the biggest challenge, is just getting people off the highway, which we really can’t control,” Bullard said. “Which is why the Centro park-and-ride lots are so important.”
Centro anticipates being able to handle about 2300 parking spaces. They can usually hold closer to 3700 vehicles.