SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) — Citizens in the state of New York were able to start voting on Saturday. This past January, New York Legislature passed a law that allows citizens to vote up to nine days before election day.
Dustin Czarny, Onondaga elections commissioner, said early voting gives citizens the chance to vote whenever they are ready.
“We’ve seen with early voting in other states that usage has gone through the roof and it’s because people like to be able to choose to vote at the time of their own choosing,” said Czarny.
Before passing the early voting law, New York state was one of 10 states that did not have early voting. Czarny said this was a partisan issue within New York Legislature.
“In New York, early voting became partisan football where the Republicans were against it and the democrats were for it. It took until the Democrats got control of the legislature to pass it,” explained Czarny.
But now the commissioner and his team are getting poll pads and other supplies ready to take to the polling sites.
Early voting will take place between Oct. 26 and Nov. 3.
You can cast your vote at the following poll sites:
Southwest Community Center
Armond Marganelli Community Center
Van Buren Town Hall
Clay Town Hall
DeWitt Town Hall
LaFayette Fire Station No. 1