Early voting sparks that change. We have six early voting sites in our county, and we wish to have them be on-demand ballot printing, so anybody in our county can show up to any of these sites, and be able to vote, we need to be able to find those early voting sites to talk to each other. So people can vote. If they’ve already voted, you know, at once, then they can go to another site and vote. Also, we need to be able to, you know, tie their balance to their voter registration records. And then also, you know, early voting ends at Sunday at two o’clock, we have to open polls Tuesday at 5 am. It would be problematic and possibly impossible to get 400 poll books printed and delivered to the various polling sites throughout the county, within that short 48-hour window. And so we, you know, now are doing electronic books. So we can do that within a matter of minutes. via wireless communication.
I mean, this is something that happens after you already get registered. So I don’t think this will affect register voters. What it will do, though, is it will prevent people from showing up the wrong polling place, and not being able to cast their vote, we will be the full county database will be in every Poll book will be able to send them to the right polling place. So it will actually allow us to instantly resolve problems at the polling place, as opposed to having them call the board of elections. And it will allow us to, you know, have more seamless things like early voting, and in the future save a registration as well.
well. I mean, you don’t safety is always a primary concern. However, it’s important to note that your voting process isn’t going to change, you’re not voting on these machines, you’re still going to get a paper ballot, you’re still going to fill those in by hand as normal, and they’re still going to go into scanning teams that are not connected to the internet, that portion of the processes and change. The only thing that’s changing is the flipbook that will be at the front of the tables are going to be replaced by a couple of different diagrams.
By Alexa Roth, SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News)-
The voting process in Onondaga County just got easier. Early voting is the reason for the change to electronic poll books. Onondaga County plans to make this change for all early voting sites to be able to access the poll books in a timely and efficient manner.
Electronic poll books allow for a quick and easy way for residents to access their ballots and continue on to the voting process. Poll workers will also benefit from a more organized booking system.
The new technology will be on an IPad for voters to access their specific ballot, at any of the six early voting locations. This is the first year New York voters will be able to participate in early voting.
Dustin Czarny, the Onondaga County elections commissioner says, “…. It will prevent people from showing up to the wrong polling place, and not being able to cast their vote…. the full county database will be in every poll book.”
The new system will launch this fall and it will be at all of the voting locations in Onondaga County.