FDA Considers Ban on Formaldehyde in Hair Relaxers Amid Health Concerns FDA Considers Ban on Formaldehyde in Hair Relaxers Amid Health Concerns

Syracuse, NY- The FDA is looking at potentially outlawing the use of formaldehyde in  hair relaxers and other hair straighten products. There has been raising health concerns regarding the chemical’s impacts on consumers and salon employees, such as respiratory issues, skin irritation, and possible carcinogenic consequences. 

 Syracuse resident, Dominique Reed who has been using relaxers for years says “relaxers help a lot of women.”

 This chemical has already been banned in blowout treatments. Syracuse hairstylist  Julie Corsett says formaldehyde isn’t good for anyone to be inhaling but the removal has not changed the outcome of the treatment.

The FDA is currently examining consumer complaints and scientific data pertaining to formaldehyde use in hair care products. 

00:00 (NCC Reporter Nurielle Auguste)
The Food and Drug Administration is considering a ban on hair straightening products with formaldehyde.

00:06 (Dominique Reed)
Here’s Dominique Reed, a Syracuse resident that has used relaxers for many years.

00:13 (NCC Reporter Nurielle Auguste)
“Relaxers does help a lot of women, and I’m one of them.”

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Formaldehyde is a chemical that has been linked to cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. It has been used in blowout treatments, but has since been removed. I asked Julie Corsette, a local hairstylist, if she has seen a difference in the exclusion of the chemical.

00:29 (Julie Corsette)
“Definitely an improvement and as far as the… , it’s never good to put formaldehyde on anybody or for you to inhale it so yes there’s definitely an improvement there. It didn’t alter the results of the service though.”

00:38 (NCC Reporter Nurielle Auguste)
The target date for the proposed ban is set for April 2024. I’m Nurielle Auguste, NCC News.

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