GEDDES, N.Y. — The Fairmount Volunteer Fire Department begins its 2018 book and coupon sale this week—the yearly sale benefits the brigade’s retired fighters. The department says it makes an effort to ingrain itself in the Geddes community.
“We’re letting —especially little kids—know not to be afraid of us if anything happens,” volunteer firefighter Lukas Patchen said. “And to get us out there so everybody sees that we get to do fun things sometimes, not all serious.”
The book sale is one of many events the department takes part in. Fairmount hosts open houses for people to ride in fire trucks, monthly barbecues, on Halloween, a detail to entertain trick-or-treaters and more.
“They welcome the West Genny band when they come back,” said the department’s administrative assistant, Susie Mazzone. “When there’s an event going on, they represent the Fire Department there.”
“We’re letting—especially little kids—know not to be afraid of us if anything happens… [we want] everybody to see that we get to do fun things sometimes, not all serious.” —Fairmont Volunteer Luca’s Patchen#B3643 pic.twitter.com/oBhafZIBQA
— Cooper Boardman (@cooperkboardman) November 1, 2018
Patchen believes the department’s most important role is to be the community’s “protector,” and also recognizes the camaraderie amongst the volunteer firefighters.
“It’s definitely a family,” Patchen said. “You hear people always say that it’s a brotherhood, but it really is very close.”
Fairmount has 46 active members in the force, about 30 retirees that are classified as “life members” and more than 200 that have “come and gone,” Mazzone said.
All participate in community events, although the current book sale benefits those who have retired.
The coupon books are on sale throughout the month at the Fairmont Firehouse on West Genessee Street in Geddes.