CAMILLUS, N.Y. (NCC News)- Liquor stores, brewers and alcohol buyers are newly faced with refreshed alcohol laws, thanks to a bill signed by New York Governor Kathy Hochul on Oct. 14.
The new law loosens restrictions on liquor stores and extends the duration of licenses for brewers. According to the bill, liquor and wine stores can now operate during 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Sundays, as well as sell and promote complementary gifts of certain wine and spirit products. The bill comes with the governors aim to support small businesses and renovate the states liquor laws.
Floor Manager at Vine and Barrel Spirits, Mike Spinelli, has worked under the former and more strict rules for six years, and said that Vine and Barrel will be taking advantage of earlier opening times, especially during the holiday season.
“It will definitely help for sure, especially around the holidays for us because I do have to turn away some people when I’m here before we open on Sundays and I just have to explain to them, this is the law like I’m sorry its the law, I can’t let you in until noon,” Spinelli said.
According to the bill, state liquor authorities, assemblymen and senators are behind the new law and its impacts on family-owned businesses as well as on the economy.

Local wheat and corn farmer, Keegan Byrne, said their may be a higher demand for grains that are used in alcohol because of the new law, but until then he is not going to expand or take on any new clients.
“I don’t think I’ll be putting more land into production for these certain crops unless I see a really big jump in demand,” Byrne said.
Byrne also said that the bill will not impact individual farmers like himself, who often increase their land and amount of crops anyway.
Other modernizations to the states alcohol laws pertains to the ability for the authorized usage of pressurized mixing and dispensing systems as well as lengthening the duration of a brewer’s license to three years, where as the previous regulations required an annual licenses renewal.
Liquor stores, bars and restaurants can already serve alcohol on Sundays, and take action on the new rules, as the law is in full effect.