How Personal Trainers are Responding to Coronavirus How Personal Trainers are Responding to Coronavirus

 Boca Raton, F.L.  (NCC News) – Quarantines have impacted everyone’s daily lives and many people’s livelihoods. Among those affected are personal trainers like Boca Raton’s  Elise Montgomerie, Elise has had to totally change how she operates to maintain business in the wake of gyms closing indefinitely.

Montgomerie said:  “Some people are comfortable with me coming to them and training outside, I’m very lucky, obviously we live in Florida. There’s no snow, there’s no cold or anything like that, so what we’ve started to do is train outside.”

Normally, Elise trains clients at The Facility in Boca Raton, Montgomerie says that the indefinite shutdown may force smaller gyms to close down due to a lack of revenue.

Montgomerie also runs a life coaching business, some of which is conducted remotely. Interestingly, she told me that her business in that area hasn’t suffered, but has actually increased since the start of widespread quarantining. She believes the boon can be attributed to increased stress levels.

Trainers have had an impact on their business, but clients have been feeling the effects in a different way.

Emerald Furnari, Boca Raton resident, said: “I miss going to the gym a lot because, for someone who is retired it’s not just that you’re going to work out and exercise, it’s kind of a social event.”

It’s unclear how long gyms will stay closed, but in the meantime, Montgomerie’s advice to those looking to stay active was to look up home workout routines online and do whatever you need to to stay moving.

Michael Furnari: Quarantines have impacted everyone’s daily lives and many people’s livelihoods. Among those affected are personal trainers like Boca Raton’s Elise Montgomerie, Elise has had to totally change how she operates to maintain business in the wake of gyms closing indefinitely.

Elise Montgomerie: Some people are comfortable with me coming to them and training outside, I’m very lucky, obviously we live in Florida. There’s no snow, there’s no cold, or anything like that, so what we’ve started to do is train outside.

Michael Furnari: Montgomerie is a trainer at Boca gym “The Facility” and she thinks gyms will be hard pressed financially over the coming months

Elise Montgomerie: To not have that kind of income for months on end, even just one month, will take out a lot of small, boutique gyms

Michael Furnari: It’s not clear when gyms around the state will begin to reopen, but what’s been lost with the closings of gyms isn’t just necessarily about fitness. Boca Raton resident Emerald Furnari says that she’s missed the sense of community at her gym.

Emerald Furnari: I miss going to the gym a lot because for someone who is retired it’s not just that you’re going to work out and exercise, it’s kind of a social event

Michael Furnari: Montgomerie told me that as long as you’re staying active you shouldn’t be too concerned about the gym closures, and with gyms closed for the foreseeable future, people looking to stay active are going to need to do something like this. For N-C-C News, I’m Michael Furnari

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