Library Features Onondaga Nation Artwork in Annual Strawberry Fest Library Features Onondaga Nation Artwork in Annual Strawberry Fest

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) — The Onondaga Nation Strawberry Fest is entering its final week in 2024 at the Betts Branch Library in Syracuse.

The event showcases artwork from students from the Onondaga Nation School, accepting submissions from children K-8. The artwork pays homage to the strawberry, which is considered to be “special to the Creator” in Onondaga culture. The event began on May 1 and will continue through May 31.

Pat Pederson, the children’s librarian at the Betts Branch Library, said the library has been featuring artwork from the Onondaga Nation School for over five years.

“Essentially we’re all on the reservation,” said Pederson. “We’re very happy to feature artwork.”

Pederson said the festival allows students of the Onondaga Nation School to not only showcase their strawberry-themed artwork, but also pay tribute. According to Onondaga culture, the Creator grew strawberries very close to Mother Earth because the fruit was very special to him. Each year, during the transition from spring to summer, the Onondaga Nation thanks the strawberry for continuing its duty as a source of sustenance for the Onondaga people.

“They are honoring their Creator and the gifts of the Earth,” said Pederson. “It’s a very important part of the year.”

Art enthusiasts can visit the library until May 31 to see this featured artwork. Pederson says that it is a very important tradition that the library is proud to uphold.

“You see all different skill levels. It’s very vibrant,” said Pederson. “It’s a lot of fun. I encourage people to come see it.”

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