Thomas Baia, Reporter: The Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency is an organization that helps people in poverty. Over a dozen workers were handing out supplies to people affected. Youth Program Coordinator, Samantha Jones, was leading the way.
Samantha Jones, Youth Program Coordinator: “We have roof tarps. We have socks, we have shirts, we have hygiene products, flashlights, those are the things that we seem to get the most phone calls for.”
Thomas Baia, Reporter: Jones said many of the people she talked to are still processing what happened. Program Director, Allison Cox, is prepared to help in any way she can.
Allison Cox, Program Director: “And we’re here to support families with whatever they need right now.”
Thomas Baia, Reporter: Mohawk Valley’s Rome office is currently closed. However, the agency is open. The phone number is 315-624-9930 Thomas Baia, NCC News.
ROME, N.Y. (NCC News) – The Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency is lending a helping hand to the people affected by the tornado on Tuesday.
The MVCAA is an organization to help people in poverty. Samantha Jones, Youth Program Coordinator, was front and center to hand out essentials to people in need. “We have roof tarps, we have socks, we have shirts, we have hygiene products, flashlights, scissors, the things we seem to get the most phone calls for,” Jones said.
Over a dozen MVCAA workers were handing out these supplies.
“A lot of people are just processing what happened. It hasn’t been 24 hours yet so just to see the mass destruction to the area,” Jones said. “It’s just still processing with a lot of people.”
The MVCAA’s Rome office is currently closed. However, the agency is open. The phone number for the agency is (315) 624-9930.