SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) — This weekend marked the beginning of the English Premier League’s 2022-23 season. As the biggest international sport on the planet, soccer has one of the largest fanbases in the world.
Wolff’s Biergarten, a downtown Syracuse bar, is a great place to watch soccer games. Owner and general manager Joe Jones is welcoming of supporters of all clubs from the Central New York region to come cheer on their team.
“Our foundation was built on the soccer fanbase that we have,” Jones said. “They are extremely loyal, and we are very grateful that we can house a venue they feel so strongly to come about.”
One fan that has made Wolff’s Biergarten a home is Michael Stebbins. He founded the Syracuse Cityzens club three years ago in support of Manchester City, a team in the English Premier League, and his goal is to grow the Syracuse fanbase for his favorite soccer team.
“I’m trying to build that sense of community,” Stebbins said. “That is the reason I started the club.”
Wolff’s Biergarten offers a real European experience with many different beer options and opportunities to watch dozens of games every week on one of their six televisions inside the bar.
The solidarity between soccer fans is strong, and both Jones and Stebbins know that to be true.
With the English Premier League, on top of many others, returning on the weekends, Wolff’s Biergarten is a good place to enjoy the next big soccer match.
With the World Cup in November, Jones said there will be a major fan experience inside and outside at the bar. Being the biggest sporting event in the world and having the United States team competing in it, that is not an experience anyone should miss out on.