SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News)– In 1991 a local church began their first ever religious choir. At the time only a handful of people committed to the weekly practices and every-Sunday performances. However, as time went on and the May Memorial Unitarian Society church’s LGBTQ+ community grew, so did the choir.
Almost 33 years later the choir now has over 50 consistent members and they preform all over the state in addition to every Sunday service.
“My wife and I have given this choir everything, our financials, our time and our talents,” said choir member, Deborah Hirdy.
For Hirdy and so many others this choir has done much bigger things then teaching them how to sing. For many this choir has encouraged them to come out about after years of hiding and it’s taught them to be confident in who they are.
Hilary Dornton came out a year ago after finding this church.
“I used to be shy and afraid to look people in the eye and now today I sang my first ever solo in front of a room full of people,” said Dornton.
Every song the choir sings is full of positive and uplifting messages from “Born This Way” to “We All Need Somebody To Lean On.” These songs are purposely picked for the choir to empower an inclusive environment.
To this group, their community is found through singing but it is brought together through faith and loving one another for who they truly are.
You can hear this group sing every Sunday or at their upcoming event on June 22 at the May Memorial Unitarian Society.