SYRACUSE, N.Y. —Local Syracuse restaurants have faced adversity while enforcing mask rules for the safety of everyone. The enforcement has caused confusion and anger to customers. New York State rules include wearing a mask while inside the restaurant unless sitting down at a table.
Stella’s Diner cashier Matt Teta said there has been an issue communicating what the rules are to customers. A couple of weeks ago, Teta said employees called police on customers who refused to comply.
“They were all around not wearing masks, so we told them they had to put them on to comply with the rules. They said no, they just want the food,” Teta said.
Incidents like these have occurred in other parts of New York. According to syracuse.com, at a central New York ice cream parlor, a woman screamed at two employees for denying service to anyone without a mask.
Local restaurants will continue to enforce the rule if they want to stay in business. Governor Andrew Cuomo said that for restaurants that do not enforce the rule they would receive three fines. After that, those restaurants that are not abiding by these rules will be forced to close.