Memorial Day Travel Rush Prompts Precautions from Airports to Highways Memorial Day Travel Rush Prompts Precautions from Airport to Highways


Definitely busier than usual.

And TSA says it will get even busier, predicting an 11% increase in travelers at Hancock Airport compared to last year.
Airline Ticketing Agent, Teria, says one of the biggest issues facing travelers in Syracuse right now is finding parking at the airport to leave their car whilst they’re away.

We had people who had their spouse park, and they come in and they check in and everything, and then they board the plane while their spouse is still sitting in TSA and the plane is ready to leave. A lot of people had to get off.

And that’s why Triple A Travel Advisor, Sarah Prue, says Central New Yorkers prefer to hit the roads, instead of soaring for this holiday weekend.

They’re looking for a bit more flexibility in their schedule.

But even that still poses challenges.

Today, tomorrow you’re going to see high congestion on the roads. And then Sunday people will start traveling back early and then on Monday morning as well.

She advises drivers to pay attention to travel apps and areas of congestion when mapping out their journey.
She also says if you’re planning to travel via plane…

Show up two hours prior. A lot of people, still don’t download the airline app onto their cell phone. That is a huge help. They will send you notifications, gate changes, delays.
Prue says whether you’re driving or traveling, the biggest tip is to always be alert in your surroundings.

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC NEWS) — As Memorial Day weekend kicks off, the hustle and bustle at Hancock International Airport in Syracuse is unmistakable.

“It’s definitely busier than usual,” said Jacob, traveler who flew into Syracuse from San Francisco for the weekend.

According to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), there will be an 11% increase in travelers at Hancock compared to last year.

But, it’s not only in Syracuse where Memorial Day Weekend is hectic.

Nationally, nearly 44 million travelers will venture from their homes, making this the second busiest Memorial Day travel weekend since 2005, according to AAA.

Teria, an airline ticketing agent at Hancock said it’s been pretty hectic so far, but long airport lines are only one part of the problem.

“People were having trouble finding parking at the airport to leave their cars during their trip,” she said. “We had people who had their spouse park, and they came and checked in and then boarded the plane while their spouse was still sitting in TSA. The plane was ready to leave.”

In light of this, Sarah Prue, AAA travel advisor, said that many Central New Yorkers are opting for road travel over air travel due to convenience.

But even this still poses challenges.

“Today and tomorrow you’re going to see high congestion on the roads. And then Sunday people will start traveling back early and then on Monday morning as well,” Prue said.

Prue advises travelers, whether flying or driving, to stay informed using travel apps and to arrive at the airport at least two hours prior to departure. She emphasizes the importance of downloading airline apps for real-time notifications on gate changes and delays.

Ultimately, Prue’s overarching advice for all travelers is to remain vigilant and aware of their surroundings, ensuring a safe and smooth journey amidst the holiday rush.

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