Our team of reporters may be working remotely, but that doesn’t mean the news stops. Our weekly roundup continues from the homes of our Morning’s on the Hill reporting staff, working hard to keep us up-to-date.
hello and thanks for joining us for
another remote edition of mornings on
the hill
I’m Gillian Andrews at my home in New
Woodstock New York and I’m Marcia
Agustin coming to you live from Syracuse
at my home if you’re wondering why this
background looks different that’s
because I’m here in my living room and I
am Darrell Cunningham originally from
Florida but I’m actually quarantined in
Syracuse New York in my apartment as you
can see as well with my background but
hey don’t forget about the west coast
Haley Redondo here from Monterey
California and we welcome you to
mornings on the hill grocery stores
throughout the country and exert you are
taking new measures to ensure social
distancing due to coded 19-hour
Gabrielle riles tells us how those
businesses are making an effort to slow
down the spread of the coronavirus
grocery stores are one of the only
places you can go during this pandemic
and that can be a good and bad thing
it’s a good thing because there is no
longer a panic to buy necessities such
as food and toilet paper it’s a bad
thing because it’s another way for the
corona virus to spread Wegmans is now
monitoring the number of shoppers inside
of their stores to help slow the spread
at their dewitt location they have set
up a one-way interest and a one-way exit
for shoppers there are also barricades
inside the store to ensure that incoming
and outgoing shoppers do not cross paths
Wegmans is enforcing social distancing
by putting tape on the ground so that
shoppers can stand six feet apart while
they wait in line at checkout and if
you’re paying with the card you must use
the stylus to complete a transaction
when you leave a store you must also
walk alone a barricades outside if you
did not park near the exit doors walmart
has also adopted the same method by
putting caution tape around the interest
and exit at their a Syracuse location
they have employees at the doors to make
sure no one crosses the tape and not
directions for mornings on a hill and
Gabrielle rails on March 31st Wegmans
announced that one of their workers at
their stores tested positive for the
coronavirus the new entrance and exit
policy went into effect after that
announcement as with classes for all
years senior year has come to a
screeching halt at Syracuse University
but of course it’s not just here seniors
at colleges throughout the country are
grappling with the new reality of a
virtual senior spring students in their
senior year who attend Hobart William
and Smith like my brother Joshua had
virtually no time to say goodbye to
friends the school didn’t announce that
the remainder of the semester would move
online until the Friday everyone left
for spring break it came out pretty
suddenly and so yours you know there’s a
lot of people I didn’t get to say
goodbye to and I don’t know when I’ll
see him again which is kind of crazy not
only has this situation put an end to
senior spring it’s starting to impact
life after graduation when I’d been
applying to all my law schools I had
them send all my correspondence to my
school address and now my school seems
to be having a little bit of a problem
shipping me the correspondences because
I just heard on my email there was a
school emailed me asking me if I wanted
to put my deposit down by April 15th but
it was a school that I didn’t even know
I was admitted into so it’s a little bit
of a stressful situation there two
college seniors aren’t the only ones
feeling like they’re missing out on a
senior spring this week Governor Cuomo
announced that April Break has been
canceled for high school middle and
elementary schoolers in New York State
that’s kind of a bummer because I mean
even though we are at home not do in
school doing the work we still have a
lot of work at home my youngest brother
Jamison is a senior in high school
and it isn’t just the different learning
style that’s making things hard so I do
not have a track season luckily I had my
soccer season in the fall but for a lot
of my friends who are baseball players
and lacrosse players they are losing
their seasons Jamison and his classmates
will now miss out on senior trips and
other events the closest interactions
with friends are now through headphones
a game controller and a TV screen it’s
really weird I was expecting here you
know after AP exams finish be able to
kind of relax and have
fun with the last couple of you weeks of
high school but not really any more for
mornings on the hill at home of my
brothers I’m Gillian Andrews thanks
Gillian it’s not only college and high
school students who are dealing with the
new reality of taking classes at home
it’s also elementary students – warnings
on the hill reporter cold Johnson
reports from Arabia New York about an
hour away from campus on how the kids
and their parents are coping schools
across the globe have forced kids and
parents to do school away from school in
the comfort of their own homes sometimes
it’s rough other times it’s pretty cool
once we settled into it and there is
that predictability of the routine the
kids really enjoy it and they know
what’s gonna be next and then once 230
hits we’re done and we can just do so
many things together that we didn’t get
to do before how good of a teacher is
mom and then free time the kids have fun
apps to keep in touch with the friend
period there is medication mom and like
Shila and Baron Grady shares a similar
school at-home experience we’re lucky
enough to both be teachers so we are
able to provide our kids with help but
it is difficult to try to balance doing
your job and teaching your kid at the
same time so the Allen family has done
their best to stay busy as well while
still getting work done I am doing math
reading writing but I wish I could go
back to school I want to coronavirus
still hoping to get back in the
classroom so getting them back into the
school routine will be a challenge it’s
a challenge I look forward to I can’t
wait to get back we’re gonna be so
excited to be back together as a
classroom as colleagues as teachers as
parents everybody is just waiting for
the day that we can go back together but
for now the apps are shut off and it’s
time to get to work Cole Johnson
mornings on the hill Moravia Central
School was originally scheduled to
return to the classroom next week but no
further decision has been made yet for
the kids sake though it looks like
they’re having fun and still have plenty
to keep busy in the meantime we are team
because we work together we are a team
because we are always finding ways to
better our community we are a team
because we care about each other and
together as a team we can do right by
our region to limit the spread of kovat
19 together we can keep our community
and each other safe please wash your
hands follow social distancing
guidelines stay home stay informed and
help us work toward our shared goal of a
healthy safe central New York as I
mentioned before
right now I’m in Syracuse New York but
our mornings on the hill reporters are
coming to us from throughout North
in fact Julianne Durazo is reporting
today from her hometown which is Toronto
Canada she’s given us a highlight of
what a typical day is like and he’s far
from typical types good morning
everybody today is Friday the sun is
shining it’s nice when the Sun is out
considering I haven’t left the house for
a few weeks so today I am starting my
morning off with a workout and then I
will be showering and getting ready for
a committee meeting that I have at 11
a.m. and then for the rest of the day I
will be doing work and organizing my
week for next week I have a few
deadlines and an exam next week that I
need to prepare for so stay tuned for
the rest of the day what I like to do is
start my workout up on the treadmill get
a little cardio in now when do we do
some tight training I got my ipod set up
over here I’m gonna open it on this map
just finished my workout heading
upstairs to get ready and start the day
but I couldn’t help but notice my Coco
just live in life and Quarantine I think
she’s really happy because everyone’s
home set up ready to go for my meeting I
am the only participant here as oh right
now so I’m just waiting for the other
members to join and to start the best
part about being home is getting to
spend quality time with my beautiful
mother and getting to enjoy a great
cookie some salmon with sauteed cherry
tomatoes onions garlic eggplant and
zucchini this is the finished product
and that brings our vlog to a conclusion
a day in the life of being quarantined
of course as we all are learning
quarantine may have you inside more than
normal and pretty much all day but that
doesn’t mean you can’t get things done
mornings on the hill reporter Maria
tribal piece shed some light on how to
make the most at your at home work
environment the corona virus has turned
bedrooms into classrooms kitchens into
offices and living rooms into studios
most people’s work and education have
the new tone so today I’m going to show
you a few ways you can be the most
productive in your new environments
let’s go take a look more people working
from home means more people on the Wi-Fi
a Wi-Fi extender helps your connection
inside your house and plugs right into
the wall
before you start class or work clear
your desk space and grab some headphones
it will help limit distractions
I also recommend having everything you
need before you log on make sure you
schedule it as an breaks you can stand
up and stretch or go for a quick walk
you can schedule in longer breaks and go
exercise or you can also eat a meal I
take any longer pauses in your schedule
it breaks up the day you don’t get a
stir-crazy sitting in the house and
working at your computer we all need to
do our part and stay home but that
doesn’t mean we can’t be productive for
mornings on the hill I’m Maria tribal
peace thanks Maria staying active is the
key to not putting on a so-called
quarantine 15 but eating wisely doesn’t
have to be a chore it can be fun and
involved family at the same time as we
hear from our mornings on the hill
reporter Alexandra Jenner John hey
everybody Alexandra Jenner John here if
you’ve been feeling anything like me
during this quarantine you’ve been
pretty boring but I’m going to encourage
you to do two things find something you
love and learn to do something you’ve
always wanted to do I absolutely love to
eat so I’ve been working on my cooking
skills I’m actually going to show you a
recipe today out of a recipe book that
my mom created for me and my siblings
for Christmas it’s really really easy
only five ingredients and it’s sure to
be a hit the next time you’re allowed to
gather with family and friends
right behind you see those ingredients
shredded hash browns ranch dip mix sour
cream bacon and cheese with those five
ingredients we’re gonna be making crack
potatoes they’re called this because
they’re so good and so addicting that I
promise whatever then you bring them to
you will not come back with anything
okay so now that you have that all put
in your pan you’re going to put it on
your preheated 350 degree oven and keep
it in there for about 40 minutes
they’d have it crap potatoes so easy
took me not even an hour and now I have
the perfect meal for Easter Sunday with
my roommate for morning from the hill
I’m not Santa gender John thanks
Alexandra speaking of family copa 19 has
forced people to stay inside their homes
but that still doesn’t mean birthdays
and holidays don’t happen our reporter
Michele Knesset Vic shows us how they
celebrated her mom’s birthday during
quarantine to the world April 1st is
April Fool’s Day but in my household
it’s mom’s birthday usually all six of
us pile in the minivan and are off to a
birthday dinner at a restaurant of mom’s
choice of course but this year is a
little bit different but just because
we’re in quarantine doesn’t mean you
don’t celebrate and since there was
really nothing else to do we made sure
her birthday was one to remember as soon
as mom left the house to get coffee we
decorated and when she got back we had
the whole house decorated balloons
birthday signs cards the whole ten yards
and ask for dinner usually mom’s the
cook but my little sisters and I thought
we could handle some homemade tacos
there were slim to no leftovers needless
to say they were ahead and most
mom thought we forgot we did it happy
birthday to you happy birthday to ya
thanks Michelle at a time like this the
one thing we hear from people is this we
need credible information but we also
need uplifting stories too our Alisa
Lyons has just that Alisa filed this
story before recent social distancing
rules were put into place and focused on
a coach who is overcoming major
obstacles Thom Gina Tino got his
coaching certification two years ago
only now he’s been able to put it to use
he took an unconventional path to get to
Cornell for well an unconventional coach
ten years ago
Gina Tina woke up in a hospital bed a
New York state trooper who just been
assaulted during a routine arrest I was
injured my basic emotion and it just
progressively progressively got worse
after a 21-year career in the Air Force
with the New York air national guard and
14 within New York State Police
Gina tino hung up his uniform or so he
in 2013 3 years after multiple surgeries
and PTSD Gina Tina found a way to heal
both mentally and physically when he was
introduced to para triathlons he started
training and competing and winning in
2015 Gina Tito became the parrot Elan
national champion by 2016 here in second
place at the US paratriathlon national
championship with a bid to Rios
Paralympic team trials and the 1500
meter when you’re running down the road
they’re cheering for me because of you
know what’s on my uniform I mean that’s
an awesome feeling I mean it’s something
you never forget in 2017
he was the Xterra world champion he also
picked up a furry friend finding a new
identity he volunteers at Cornell
University training students on the
sport that gave him passion once again
and it’s the closest connection for me
to be on top of the sport and then I I
drive an hour to be here and I just love
next month Gina Tino with bucks and in
tow will be heading to their first
collegiate Club national championship
where every volt and 11 others from the
Cornell Triathlon Club will compete as
one team adding a new uniform to his
closet coach you start that’s when you
stop okay sounds good everybody all
right let’s bring it in here speed work
on three one two three
see work all right good before we leave
you a reminder that mornings on the hill
reporters are filing in stories not only
via our traditional newscast but through
our digital channels as well and please
be sure to follow us on our Instagram
and Twitter accounts where you’ll find
us at mornings on the hill I’m Jillian
Andres I’m Marcia Agustin and we will
see you next week same time same place
mornings on Hill is a production of
graduate and undergraduate students in
the bgj program here at Newhouse
I’m Darryl Cunningham and I’m Bailey
Redondo stay safe everybody this has
been mornings on the hill from around
the continent