YALE KOLIN: Hello, and welcome to the NCC News Podcast! We’re your hosts. I’m Yale Kolin.
BEN BERKSON: I’m Ben Berkson.
KOLIN: And today is Wednesday, April the 19th, 2023.
BERKSON: So earlier today, there was a missing girl that was thankfully found.
KOLIN: That’s right, Lexington Thieault of Marcellus, New York left her home on Rose Hill Road at about 5:45 pm last night. And she was reported missing. And state police looked for her all night and day. And fortunately, around 11:00 am, just a couple hours ago, she was found and in good health. So definitely a scare. But it was great to find out that she was found.
BERKSON: Yeah, and the report said about the missing girl that she wasn’t even kidnapped, that she just left her home on her own. Thankfully, they found her, but another story in the upcoming newscast today is that the New York State are adding cameras to catch people who speed on state highways. So not only are they doing this to enforce the law that Kathy Hochul put into place in 2021. But today it’s also a special week. This week is National Work Zone Awareness Week. So, it’s very cool. What police officers are doing is they’re disguising themselves as maintenance workers to see if any people driving…if anyone driving is going to not follow the law during that week or disrespect the quote-unquote “maintenance workers.” It’s very cool. Very interesting.
KOLIN: Joining us today for the NCC News Podcast is sports reporter Eli Lesser. Eli, what are some good sports stories that we’ve got going on?
ELI LESSER: Well, this is actually one of the best times of the year in sports. The NBA and Stanley Cup playoffs are in full swing. I am one on edge as a Clippers and L.A. Kings fan, respectively, and Yale, I know you’re a huge hockey fan, so this is the best time of the year for you.
KOLIN: Yeah, let’s go Hawks!
LESSER: Go Hawks…are they even in the playoffs?
LESSER: I didn’t want to go in on that. But uh, you know, one thing I’m looking for right now is, you know, the Islanders to bounce back tonight. You know, for our New York fans out there. They had a rough go in the first game against the Hurricanes. So, you know, it’s all about how they’re going to come back together. And then, also staying on the hockey train, the Rangers last night had a statement win against the Devils in a little tri-state area rivalry. I know a lot of people here in Syracuse have some stakes in that one, but…yeah.
BERKSON: I have a question for you. What’s your prediction for the Stanley Cup? Who’s going to win at all?
LESSER: I hate to be basic, but the Boston Bruins are very, very tough to beat right now. And I’m worried about them. But you know what? I’m also going to be that guy and say the Oilers are frauds and the Kings will take it.
BERKSON: Ohhhhh.
KOLIN: Spicy quote. There you go, McDavid! Eli thinks you’re a fraud!
BERKSON: Thank you.
KOLIN: Thank you.
BERKSON: So now joining us is today’s weatherman, Tim. So, Tim, what’s the weather looking like today and for the rest of the week?
TIM DEAN: So, I hope you didn’t put your winter jackets away because it is freezing outside today. Overnight, we saw temperatures close to 32 degrees. And right now, it’s hovering in, like, the low 40s. It’s gonna get a little warmer tomorrow and into Friday and the weekend. So it’ll be sunny Friday and Saturday. But you know, today, it’s windy out there. It’s cold. And it even rained a little bit overnight.
BERKSON: Yeah, well, hopefully, it’ll get warm permanently, because it’s going to be 83 degrees this Friday, and then it’s just gonna get cold again. I don’t get it.
DEAN: It is gonna 83 degrees. We really just got to get through today and tomorrow. It’s…the humidity is high. It’s windy. And this weekend should be much nicer.
BERKSON: All right, awesome. Thanks for coming, Tim. Thank you. And that is all for today’s podcast. Make sure you check out the rest of the stories on today’s newscast at 4:00 and 4:45. I’m Ben Berkson.
KOLIN: And I’m Yale Kolin
BERKSON: And make sure you guys go to NCCNewsOnline.com for more stories.