Northern Onondaga Public Library Helping Job Seekers Get Their Foot in the Door Northern Onondaga Public Library Helping Job Seekers

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) — The Northern Onondaga Public Library has made attempts to educate and help the area with getting jobs, hosting events such as resume workshops and career fairs. Due to the amount of questions they have been receiving, the library decided to host its first “How to Get a Job and Keep It” event. Susan Hansen, the director of this event, thought the timing was right to do it now.

“This is the time of the year where there is transition. People are looking for jobs and starting to see that the market is opening a little bit,” she said.

The main speaker for the event was Jim McEntyre, a 40-year entrepreneur. He talks about what question he frequently gets that makes him want to have these discussions.

People have come up to me, I’ve also done a lot of sales training, they ask, “How do I break through the barrier when someone won’t even talk to me?” he said.

His goal for the night was to promote authenticity to potential job seekers.

“Just be honest. No one wants to be tricked, and they know if you’re saying words just to try and impress them,” he said.

Hansen wants more of these kinds of events, and hopes the chamber will agree to add more in 2020.

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Quentin Lehn

Raised in Richmond, Virginia, Quentin Lehn has had experience with audio interning with ESPN Radio 100.5 FM and on TV with CBS 6 WTVR. He's also had experience with journalism in state government interning with the Department of Health Professions, in their Board of Communications.

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