Syracuse, N.Y. (NCC News)- With Christmas around the corner, the snow begins to fall in Central New York.
Last night, the first lake effect snowstorm took place in Upstate New York. According to the National Weather Service, Syracuse had almost siz inches of snow fall last night.
The heavy amount of snowfall led to dozens of crashes across Onondaga County. Accidents like this lead to drivers in the Syracuse area being concerned to drive during this time of year.
“It’s like navigating a minefield,” said Cameron Messman, a junior at Syracuse University. “I don’t really feel in control of my car so I rather not at all.”
In order to keep Syracuse residents and students less worried about the snow, the Onondaga County Department of Transportation is confident they’ll set the proper standard for keeping roads safe.
“Our main goals are enhancing ability, minimizing accidents, and keeping pedestrians secure,” said Jacob Robertson, public official from the Onondaga County Department of Transportation. “We understand the difficulties drivers face so we try to attempt to get ahead of every snowstorm.”

As the months get chillier, the Onondaga County DOT encourages residents to help each other out as well. Whether it’s carpooling or shoveling your neighbor’s driveway, the extra help would mean a lot for the department.
“The more help, the better it is for us.” said Robertson. “When the times get tough, we would like to see a community like Syracuse stay strong for us.”
With the DOT making these commitments and precautions, people can make this winter a season to embrace rather than fear.
If residents still have concerns, they can go to the DOT’s website for further questions.