Options for Replacing the I-81 Viaduct Options for Replacing the I-81 Viaduct

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand announced her support for the community grid option earlier this week. As her commentary brings the stalled project back into light, a key player weighed in on their thoughts about the project.

“The community grid presents the best options all around for increased accessibility, inclusive growth, and, arguably, the most importantly, it provides the best solution to connect neighborhoods,” said Alice Maggiore, the Communications Director at the Downtown Committee of Syracuse, an organization that promotes of the revitalization of the inner city.

“By bringing that highway down to street level, you have increased opportunities for connections between Downtown and the University Hill community,” she said.

Still, while the community grid option is supported by many who work to bring business Downtown, some commuters aren’t buying it.

“As a commuter who lives in the suburbs, my biggest priority is the commute time,” said Mike Riccardi, who works Downtown.

“There’s no sugar-coating it. 81 dissected the city and created issues for the other side. I don’t think righting a wrong 50-years later is the solution to that,” he said.

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