Seventh Annual Flags for Heroes Event Breaks Record Seventh Annual Flags for Heroes Event Breaks Record

Alex Malanoski-This week the Good News Center in Utica is running its seventh annual Flags for Heroes event honoring and raising money for veterans and pandemic workers by sponsoring flags on Memorial Parkway. N-C-C’s Tyler O’Neill has more on what makes this years event different.

Tyler O’Neill-Veterans Day is on Thursday and the center has seen more support than they have ever seen before. Executive Director of the Good News Foundation, Judy Hauck, says this is most flags they have had sponsored.

Judy Hauck- “you know people keep coming back and new people are coming on board, so it is constantly evolving and becoming a bigger event within our area”

Tyler-This year not only are veterans supported, but Hauck says pandemic workers are also being recognized

Hauck-People who had to work with COVID patients and work 24-hour shifts and just have been exhausted and due to the care they are giving to people you know the people who have become ill due to the pandemic you know those people are heroes as well

Tyler- Flags are 35 dollars to sponsor and there are very few left. I’m Tyler O’Neill…, N-C-C News.

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) — The seventh annual Flags for Heroes event raised the most money ever this year. The Good News Center in Utica raises money by sponsoring  flags on Memorial Parkway.

Executive Director of the Good News Foundation, Judy Hauck, says the event has been growing every year.

“You know people keep coming back and new people are coming on board, so it is constantly evolving and becoming a bigger event within our area,” Hauck said.

Hauck says displaying the flags on the Memorial Parkway was the right decision because of the historical significance of the location.

“To put the Flags for Heroes along the Memorial Parkway made total sense  because that is where Utica has always memorialized its heroes,” Hauck said.

This year not only are veterans supported, but Hauck says pandemic workers are also being recognized.

“People who had to work with COVID patients and work 24-hour shifts and just have been exhausted and due to the care they are giving to people. You know the people who have become ill due to the pandemic you know those people are heroes as well,” Hauck said.

All funds raised are going to the Sitrin Military Rehabilitation Program that helps post 9/11 veterans. Hauck says Sitrin’s helps veterans in Central New York in a unique way.

“They do different types of therapies, where they do equine therapies and they do a dance in movement therapies. They do a warrior retreat. So, it actually serves two purposes, we are honoring our veterans through this process, but we are also raising money to help veterans as well,” Hauck said.

Flags are $35 each to sponsor and there are very few left.

The flags will remain on display through Veteran’s Day.

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