SYRACUSE, NY- Temperatures are changing in Syracuse and Winter is almost in full effect. With already a few snow days and temperatures getting in the low thirties snow tire season is upon us. Snow tires are tires used in the winter for better traction on snow and ice. Will Luchetti manager at a local tire shop says there are many added benefits to having snow tires.
“I know you can stop up to 50 percent better with snow tires versus most off-season tires,” Luchetti said.
Snow tires bring a whole new addition of safety when driving in the winter and when in an area like Syracuse are crucial to those that drive. The main difference between a snow tire and a regular tire is the traction and tread and how it combats those winter conditions. With improved stopping and handling it’s a no-brainer that snow tires are a huge help. Tim Skeval a Syracuse University Student has owned snow tires for the last three years.
“At the end of the day, It’s more worth it to spend the money even if it’s a lot then to risk your life. I would suggest risking the cash to maybe save your life. A lot of my friends didn’t have snow tires they weren’t as careful as I was and some of them ended up getting into an accident not being able to stop in time and hitting someone at a stop sign,” Skeval Said.
As winter continues to edge closer and closer more snow tires will be seen on the road.