SU Men’s Basketball Fans are Back For the First Game SU Men's Basketball Fans are Back in the Dome For The First Game

Players and fans are excited to cheer on men's basketball from inside the dome.

Anchor: It’s been almost two years since fans have been in the dome watching SU men’s basketball, but today that all changes. NCC news reporter Anastasia Frazier joins us live from the S-U campus where excitement is growing with the game just hours away.

Anastasia: Sophomore, Frank Anselem, is one of the players who is ready for the big crowd.

Anselem: “I think we’re gonna have the advantage and we’re gonna get the dome rockin!”

Anastasia: The energetic student section at the dome is called Otto’s Army. The President of Otto’s Army, Jonathan Danilich, is excited to lead the student section and also hopefully the larger CNY community.

Danilich: “We’ve been trying to figure out ways to get them involved with things that we want to do. Cause you know the student section is making noise and everything. We want to be the example for everyone else.”

Anastasia: Fifth year player,Bourama Sidibe, says the SU team needs the fans to be loud today.

Sidibe: “Usually in the dome fans help you to come back to the game because their energy is just different.”

Anastasia: The tip off is at 7 tonight. I’m Anastasia Frazier, NCC News.

Syracuse, N.Y. (NCC News) It’s been almost two years since SU basketball fans have watched a game in the dome. Finally, tonight the dome will be filled with cheers and energy once again. Tonight marks the first game of the season, and Syracuse is playing Lafayette.

The student cheering section will be back with its usual chants, thanks to Otto’s Army. President of Otto’s Army, Jonathon Danilich said that the army has been preparing. Danilich, like most fans, has been patiently waiting to get back in the dome for the basketball season.

“I always get super excited for the first basketball game,” Said Danilich. 

However the dome is made up of more than just SU students.

“The CNY community, we’ve been trying to figure out ways to get them involved with things that we want to do. Cause you know the student section is making noise and everything. We want to be the example for everyone else,” Danilich said. 

Fifth year player, Bourama Sidibe, agrees that having all fans in the dome is necessary.

“Usually in the dome fans help you to come back to the game because their energy is just different,” Sidibe said. 

Sophomore, Frank Anselem is equally as excited for CNY and SU student fans to bring the noise.

“I think we’re gonna have the advantage and we’re gonna get the dome rockin’,” Anselem said. 


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