SU’s Falk School to Remove “Human Dynamics” From College Name SU's Falk School to Remove "Human Dynamics" From College Name

The David Falk School of sport and human dynamics opened as the Syracuse College of Nursing in 1943. The Falk School began offering sport management classes in 2005 and Sport analytics in 2016. Now Syracuse University has announced that it is removing human dynamics from the name of the college Syracuse Junior Jonah Soos says that the name change came as a total shock to students.

“We had no idea there was a department meeting at like 11:15. I happened to have a lunch with Dr. Falk, Dean Jordan was there as well as some other sport analytics faculty we checked our phones and we’re like wow they’re changing the name of Falk so it was out of nowhere none of us really at any idea but it was it’s an awesome commitment to the programs that we have here and you know we are putting a lot of confidence in us to keep doing what we’re doing.”

The college will now Focus solely on sport related to classes, becoming one of the first universities Across the Nation to do so. While the human dynamics portion of the college is left without a home for the near future, Soos says that this decision was necessary for Falk to take a step forward on the national stage.

“Baseball analytics Club basketball analytics and football analytics have really been taking off. The clubs have won overall competitions which is the first we’ve never done our history you know having them put a confidence in US invest in us and really double down that like hey we see what you’re doing we want to be a part of that we want to support that even more it’s a it’s really cool.”

Reporting from Syracuse, Arnav Pokhrel, NCC News.

Syracuse, N.Y. (NCC News) — Since 1943, the brick building adjacent to Irving Avenue has served Syracuse University as an academic hall. Originally the Syracuse College of Nursing, the Falk School has expanded its offerings over the years, introducing sport management classes in 2005 and sport analytics in 2016. On Monday, April 15, the school announced that it would be removing “Human Dynamics” from the title of “Falk School of Sport and Human Dynamics”. The new name of the school will read “Falk School of Sport.”

The announcement caught many students off guard, including junior sport analytics major Jonah Soos, who described it as a “total shock.” Soos, who was in a lunch meeting with members of the academic staff of the college and Dr. Falk for an unrelated occasion, said that there was no conversation about the name change during his lunch with the staff.

Despite the surprise, Soos expressed optimism about the change of his school’s focus.

“It’s an awesome commitment to the programs that we have here,” he said. “It’s really cool.”

With this transition, Syracuse University becomes one of the first to exclusively focus on sports education within the college structure. The university also aims to become the first R1 (Research University) to have a solely focused school on sports

The decision leaves the human dynamics programs at the university without a structure for the future. In an official press release put out by the university, SU noted that a “Human Dynamics Task Force” would be put together to asses the future and growth of the human dynamics major at Syracuse.

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