SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC News) — Syracuse Police are investigating a shooting after a man fired a gun into a crowd of about 200 people over the weekend near Lookers Showclub.
The shooting took place around 3:45 a.m. Sunday on the corner of North Salina Street with no injuries reported. The shooting marks the third violent crime in two weeks near a strip club for Syracuse.
Neighbors often say block parties bring these crowds into the neighborhood yet blame the strip club for nearby gatherings.
Lookers Showclub Owner, Kevin Quinn, claims the crowd of people outside were not his customers. “Is that a strip club problem? No, it’s a city of Syracuse problem,” said Quinn.
Quinn said he had prepared his business for incidents like this by installing several security cameras and hiring retired police that confiscate weapons upon entering.
Syracuse Police Chief Kenton Buckner said 19 police officers were on patrol the morning of the shooting, and 28 should have been on duty to control the crowd. Quinn blames Sunday’s incident on a rise in gun violence and a lack of support from the city.
The Syracuse Police Department has arrested the alleged shooter, Devonaire King, who faces multiple weapons and drug charges.
Quinn claims he has asked the Syracuse Police Department for two patrol cars to work the intersection the crowd blocked near the business and is still awaiting a response. According to Quinn, Lookers Showclub is committed to working with the Syracuse Police Department to keep the business safe.