SYRACUSE, N.Y. (NCC NEWS) — Remembrance Week is an annual weeklong series of events planned by the Remembrance and Lockerbie Scholars meant to memorialize the victims of the bombing of Pan Am 103.
Monday marks the second event of the week. This morning, members of the Syracuse University community were invited to paint stones at the Shaw Quad. The painted stones will be placed on top of the Wall of Remembrance during the Rose-laying Ceremony that takes place this Friday.
The bombing of Pan Am 103 took place over Lockerbie, Scotland on December 21, 1988. Pan Am Flight 103 carried 35 Syracuse University students as they flew from London to New York. The bomb, that killed 270 people, was a result of a terrorist bomb that was planted in a radio-cassette recorder in a suitcase.
All activities to memorialize the victims, including the stone painting, are free and open to the public.