SIMI VALLEY, C.A. (NCC NEWS) – Michelle Klein has been a manicurist in California for 36 years, and she started working as a manicurist when she was 21. But as of Monday, July 13, she joined thousands of other nonessential workers who are unemployed again because of recent shutdowns.
“It’s been crazy, for me for years. I have been working seven days a week, but now this is a little crazy,” said Klein.
Nonessential businesses in California were shut down in March and started to reopen in late May. California Governor Gavin Newsome ordered closures in the state on Monday, July 13, because of rising COVID-19 cases.
The governor ordered closures of businesses such as restaurants, personal care services, breweries, movie theaters, and fitness centers. In California, there are an estimated 300-thousand positive COVID-19 cases.
Monday was Michelle Klein’s last day at work, and like many others, these closures have affected her again.
“I’m upset; I am not angry. I want to stay safe, and I want my clients to stay safe,” said Klein. “I want to do what’s right for this state to get through this quicker and if that’s what has to be done. Then that’s what has to be done.”
Klein said that she can see this cycle of reopening and closing for years if people don’t take COVID-19 seriously. Which then leaves many in California asking what is going to happen next.