AVA LEVENTHAL: I’m Ava Leventhal reporting for N-C-C News. Here are the stories making local news today, April sixth.—Today is the first day that people 16 years and older can get the COVID-19 vaccine in New York State. Landon O’Conner, a 17-year-old high school senior, was up early this morning to go to the Fairgrounds to get his first dose.
LANDON O’CONNER: Yeah, I’m actually relieved to get the vaccine. We started in-person classes yesterday, and I just feel safer now because I just want to be around my friends now.
LEVENTHAL: High school students are not the only ones eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine, and starting tomorrow at Syracuse University, students will be able to get the vaccine on campus. Diana Wesch, a nurse who administers vaccines at the Fairgrounds, believes this is a step in the right direction.
DIANA WESCH: It’s great to hear that the university is getting these doses because the recent data that we’ve gotten has shown that the majority of the cases in the country, at this point, have been among younger people because they didn’t have access to the vaccine before because of the restrictions
LEVENTHAL: Students on the SU campus join Wesch in their excitement, and Izzy Newirth, an SU student, believes that having the vaccine on campus will encourage more students to get it.
IZZY NEWIRTH: I made my appointment this morning for tomorrow at 4:30. I know a lot of people want to get the vaccine, and like it would make it a lot easier for students to be able to just go to the Barnes Center and get it.
LEVENTHAL: In other news, Five Guys has opened on the Syracuse University Hill today, and Bill Rabbitt, the director of operations at the restaurant, is excited to open this unique location.
BILL RABBITT: This is one of the first times we’ve done a restaurant where there’s no parking. It’s foot traffic, and it’s delivery services and stuff like that, so this is new for us, so this will be an eye-opening experience.
LEVENTHAL: Sunny with a high of 61 today, changing into a chance of rain showers tonight and early tomorrow morning. For N-C-C News, I’m Ava Leventhal reporting. You can find full stories on our website N-C-C-News-dot-Online-DOT-COM.