Anastasia Frazier: I’m Anastasia Frazier reporting for NCC news. Here are the top stories making news today October 19th 2021.
SU continues a week-long remembrance for Pan Am Flight 103. Every year thirty-five students are named as remembrance scholars in honor of the students who lost their lives. Remembrance Week Media Coordinator, Kelly Rodowski says there are several events lined up to pay homage to the Pan Am 103 Flight.
Kelly Rodowski:”Each cohort of scholars puts their own mark on Remembrance Week, and they put a lot of thought in their planning.”
Anastasia Frazier: X-O taco is now in the sports market. This Mexican restaurant on Fayette Street is partnering with S-U athletes to promote the X-O brand. Brooke Manor on the S-U cheer team is one of the first team members to take advantage of the NCAA’S new name image and likeness opportunities.
Brooke Manor:”We don’t really get a paid, but we do get benefits like free food there and gear.”
Anastasia Frazier:
Central New Yorkers should take extra precautions while hiking this fall. The Urban Forestry and Natural Resource Educator at the Cornell Cooperative Extension, Ryan Fawcett, says tick activity is spiking this fall due to a wet summer.
Ryan Fawcett: “The more areas that are wet they can kind of expand their range.”
Anastasia Frazier:Syracuse University sophomores are experiencing their first real Halloween at college. Gabriella Linfante is ready for her favorite part of Halloween.
Gabriella Linfante:”Just excited to see other people’s costumes.”
Anastasia Frazier: Make sure you grab a jacket before you leave the house because today’s winds are reaching 18 miles per hour. We will be seeing a high of 66 degrees in the late afternoon. For NCC News, I am Anastasia Frazier reporting. You can find full stories on our website, NCC-News-Online-DOT-com.
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