Alexandra King:
I’m Alexandra King, reporting for NCC News. Here are the stories making news today, October 29th.
63 people have admitted to participating in drug trafficking rings across Central New York. Syracuse Police Department’s Matt Malinowski says the 15-month investigation was bigger than Syracuse.
Matt Malinowski:
Uh, we do what we can on our level. It comes down to a lot of cooperation with our neighboring jurisdictions and, then our partners at the state and federal level because these things rarely stay contained in the city of Syracuse
Alexandra King:
The rings ran throughout five counties and involved heroin, cocaine, and fentanyl.
Today, the New York State Assembly Health Committee began their hearing on a potential ban on youth tackle football. Syracuse University professor Ben Bradley says the consequences of playing youth tackle football outweigh the benefits.
Ben Bradley:
We don’t even fully know what happens to kids brains when they play tackle football
Alexandra King
The hearing will look at the long-term effects seen in football players under twelve, specifically in C-T-E damage.
The food bank at Syracuse University’s Hendricks Chapel is struggling to keep up with demand this year. Pantry Director Syeisha Byrd says it’s crucial for the community to help out.
Syeisha Byrd:
I think having a food pantry here at Syracuse University is vital for our students, if you’re hungry, you’re in class, your stomach is growling, how can you concentrate? I mean, it’s meeting a basic need.
Alexandra King:
To see how you can help, visit hendricks.syr.edu .
We are two days away from the scariest yet sweetest day of the year…Halloween. Syracuse Police Department’s Matt Malinowski tells us what the SPD is doing this year to keep kids safe.
Matt Malinowski:
Our regular patrol officers will be in the area and we have an extra patrol where they will be flashing their lights and driving in some of the more heavily dense candy collection areas in the city.
Alexandra King:
The World Series continues tonight between the Houston Astros and the Washington Nationals. Watch for a possible appearance of Clay native Patrick Corbin on the mound for the Nationals.
The nice weather continues today, with mostly sunny weather and an expected high of 64.
There’s a chance of showers tonight starting at 11 p.m.
For NCC News, I’m Alexandra King. You can find full stories on our website, nccnewsonline.com .
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