Friday is Valentine’s Day and many Central New Yorkers are going to be spending money on their loved ones, the question is, how much are they willing to spend? According to nationwide surveys from Bankrate , adults spend an average of $152 on Valentine’s Day. At Sam Rao Florist in Fairmount, most Valentine’s Day arrangements will cost you anywhere from $35-$90.
Syracuse has frequently been named one of the worst cities in America for dating, but maybe younger generations will change that. Floral Designer at Sam Rao says that young people have been buying more flowers in recent years. The data from Bankrate echoes that, they say that Millennials have been spending an average of $208 on Valentine’s Day, more than people in older age brackets.
Fortunately for more thrifty Syracuse residents, you don’t have to spend that much to enjoy your Valentine’s Day, the Clinton Square Ice Rink has a special offer for couples to enjoy chocolate and ice skating for just $14. Syracuse resident and avid skater Vince Reynolds says that he may try to convince his wife to change their plans and go skating on Valentine’s Day.
Whether you want to spend money on a grand gesture or you want to have a more laid back evening, Syracuse businesses offer options of all budget ranges to those celebrating this Valentine’s Day.
Michael Furnari: Every year on Valentine’s Day you can expect a lot of money to be spent on flowers, and this year should be no different, but Kari Lamanna of Sam Rao Florist in Fairmount says that the holiday falling on a Friday will impact spending.
Kari Lamanna: I would say it’s probably about the same, and it all depends on what day it’s on. This year it falls on a Friday, so we’re not as busy because people do other things, they go out of town, out to dinner, when it’s in the middle of the week we’re a lot more busier.
Michael Furnari: Syracuse has been named one of the worst cities in America for dating, but Kari told me younger generations have been spending more on Valentine’s Day, so maybe love in Syracuse won’t be so infamous in the future. Data nationwide does echo that. A survey from Bankrate shows that about 70% of U.S. adults in relationships will spend money on their partner to the tune of $152 on average. The same survey says that Millenials will spend a whopping $208…On Friday you don’t have to spend a few hundred dollars on dinner and flowers, but Syracuse resident Vince Reynolds says how much people spend might not be in their control.
Vince Reynolds: Myself? Hey, whatever your young lady’s worth to you, that’s what you spend. You learn that. It could be a lot, it could be a little.
Michael Furnari: I’m here at the Clinton Square Ice Rink where tomorrow there’s a special Valentine’s Day Offer. Two people can get in, they can get an assortment of chocolates for just $14. That’s for some of the more frugal people celebrating Valentine’s Day. From the Clinton Square Ice Rink, I’m Michael Furnari, N-C-C News